My name is Sarah. Born in The Dominican Republic in the Caribbean. Based in Denmark. I have 3 wonderful boys and a full time job besides my art. Painting, music, yoga, meditation, winter bathing are my trick to kick, shock my mind and body into happiness. This 4 words inspire me always: Art has no rules.

I found out I could paint when I was 12 years old. We had to paint human cell in biology classes. Mine was almost exactly to the one in our book. I really started painting when I took a university education as Interior Design. One day I went to a friends house, her parents had some beautiful paintings with colorful flowers in their living room. I remember staring at them and thinking; I can do that. I went home and created my first painting.
My inspiration depends on my mood. I have found out that I can create the must beautiful works when I´m mad or angry. My art is fueled by impulse and emotions more than predetermined ideas or genres. I rarely know beforehand how the new artwork will shape and develop. Once the lines, shapes and colors start coming together, an idea for the motive takes form as well. This high degree of unpredictability and impulse fascinates me. Spontaneity lives.
My studio is my parallel universe. I am lucky to have my studio at home with a fantastic view to the sea. I can paint whenever I am home. Sometimes I stand up in the middle of the night and paint. I am more creative when is dark. When I paint, I am free. The hours I spend in my studio are pure contemplation, happiness and balm for my soul. When I paint, the world outside my studio could end, and I would not notice.
When we look at somebodies art, we can see a glimpse of their soul. For me art is individuality, freedom, love.