I want to curate my memories, my thoughts, my observations, the world’s story’s and speak through my work with a hope that it touches someones soul. Ty Nathan Clark.

I begin a painting by walking on the canvas for a period of time to begin a dialogue with history, time and mark making as a language. Margaret Fitzgerald.

I like to read about life of painters, their notes & their diaries. I think the most important book that influenced me is the interviews of David Sylvester with Francis Bacon. Abdellah El-Haitout.

To entertain myself and enjoy the process of creating, the process is the art and the side effect is the artwork. Oso Parado Mango.

“When art critics get together they talk about Form and Structure and Meaning. When artists get together they talk about where you can buy cheap tupentine” Pablo Ruiz Picasso.

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